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“more fictitious”
fictitious (adjective), more fictitious, most fictitious
1. Relating to not being true or genuine, and intended to deceive or used for tricking people.
2. Pertaining to being invented by someone's imagination; especially, as part of a work of fiction.
3. Referring to not being genuinely believed or felt; a sham: Margaret greeted her brother with fictitious enthusiasm.
4. Etymology: as a type of literature, about 1599: fictitious is from about 1615; from Middle Latin fictitus, a misspelling of Latin ficticius, "artificial, counterfeit"; from fictus, past participle of fingere.
2. Pertaining to being invented by someone's imagination; especially, as part of a work of fiction.
3. Referring to not being genuinely believed or felt; a sham: Margaret greeted her brother with fictitious enthusiasm.
4. Etymology: as a type of literature, about 1599: fictitious is from about 1615; from Middle Latin fictitus, a misspelling of Latin ficticius, "artificial, counterfeit"; from fictus, past participle of fingere.
This entry is located in the following units:
fac-, facil-, fact-, feas-, -feat, -fect, -feit, -facient, -faction, -fic-, -fy, -ficate, -fication
(page 15)
figur-; fig-
(page 1)
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-ous, -ious, -eous
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